Tile and natural stone have gained in popularity, so have the cleaning challenges. Harsh cleaners can strip away sealants and even open up the tile or stone, allowing the dirt, grease, and soil to penetrate deeper into the surface. Soil is absorbed into the grout and settles into the pores of the hard surface, making it appear dingy even after you’ve just scrubbed it. Mopping becomes less and less effective as the grout attracts soil and discolors. After we spray down your tile with our special tile cleaner, we manually scrub your grout lines to ensure that all dirt is removed from the crevices. We utilize a specialized tool for corners, to ensure that no dust bunny is left behind. Next, our high-impact spinner drives dirt from tile and grout lines, and we wipe sensitive areas dry with a soft cloth. Finally, we use our rapid rotary buffer machine to apply a high-quality sealant and set up a high-power fan to dry the area.
Your tiled floors will shine brighter than the day they were put in.